Becadexamin capsule
becadexamin multivitamin capsule
becadexamin capsule is a brand in india,becadexamin is a multivitamin product,multivitamin is include in this product
include vitamin
vitamin a,d3,e,b1, b6,b12, b9, b3,c
copper sulphate
d panthnol potasiam
zins sulphate
- becadexamin multivitamin usefull for thin hair,white hair,and hairfall problems
- becadexamin capsule usefull in bones it help in bones growth
- becadexamin capsule help in human bodygrowth and boost his brain power
- becadexamin capsule must for our skin usefull for dry skin and protect our body
- it help in growrh our nails
- becadexamin multivitamin help to improve blood circulation and oxygen situation
- becadexamin multivitamin doses providessuficient of the netrients that will be received by the organs and tussues
- becadexamin multivitamin has good eflucient in the work of the central nervius system
- becadexamin multivitamin reduce the problem of sleep,a risk of depression will be reduced and you will be always in good mood
becadexamin multivitamin capsule is come in the market a chocolate flavour,it packing in a too small bottle becadexamin bottle price is 38rs in the market ,30 tablest in the bottle
direction for uses
becadexamin capsule taken one capsule
in the day after breakfast, it is desirable to take in the morning ,so that you feel energetice the entire day
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